Tamil Mandram and Fine Arts Club of Government College of Technology has proved their mettle by bagging the overall trophy in the recently concluded Muthamizh Vizha hosted by Coimbatore Institute of Technology. The event took place on January 3, 2015, comprising of competitions that embarked the importance of language ‘Tamil.’ The event witnessed a participation of around 30 colleges around the state. The contingent from the college had 50 students 0ut of which 26 students returned home bagging prizes on various events.
Students from GCT bagged prizes in the following events.
On enquired about the quality of the events, Sathish, Tamil Mandram secretary said “The time management could have been better, but the hospitality shown by the hosts in terms of food provided was really commendable”. The icing on the cake seems to be about the fact that GCT Coimbatore was also the overall champion’s last year.
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