Eliminators win Euphoria'16 @CIT

A group of 13 dancing feet set the CIT stage on fire until showers of appreciation and awards began to pour down. Eliminators, the official dance club of GCT bagged the first prize in Group Dance at EUPHORIA’16 organized by Coimbatore institute of Technology. Under the guidance of the club’s captains K. Divakar (4th year civil) and M.Vignesh (4th year IT ) the team battled with fellow colleges like KCT, NEHRU to taste the fruits of success. Their magic portion majorly includes unity and uninterrupted practise. Having said that, a question popped up in our mind – Eliminators being a mixed club of boys and girls how did they co-ordinate together in displaying one fine piece given the restriction of curfew for hostel girls? Their answer was simple as it is – “ The Weekends”. During college nights the rhythm beats up to 5 in the morning in the boys hostel and girls have their own schedule to make the groove. And finally making the feet tap in unison during the weekends. Thus the winning dance piece was born.

The team includes

Manikandan. B (3rd yr mech)
Ganeeshkumar.R (2nd yr mech)
Haran. K. S (2nd yr eee)
Gokul Kishore. D (2nd yr cs)
Pugazhenthi. E (3rd yr eee)
Rajesh. T (3rd yr civil)
Nivetha.A (3rd yr IT)
Monika.N (3rd yr IT)
Subashini.U (3rd yr Cse)
Revathy.L (3rd yr Eee)
Keerthana R (3rd yr IBT)
Sabitha.D (3rd yr Prod)
Harishankari  (3rd yr Civil)

SJC heartly congratulates Eliminators !

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About the Author

Reporting Team, 2015-16

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